About me

Art, for me, is a profound way to connect with the mountains—a place that is not just a landscape but an inexhaustible source of inspiration and contemplation. Every peak, every valley, and every ridge I portray on my canvases embodies not only natural beauty but also a story of respect, strength, and fragility.

I paint the mountains not only to capture their majesty but also to remind myself and others of the importance of protecting them. Mountains are living monuments that teach us resilience and the greatness of our planet, yet they are also vulnerable to climate change and human activity.

Through my art, I strive to convey the emotions I experience when I am immersed in these landscapes. I want those who view my work not just to see a beautiful image, but to feel the breath of the mountains, the silence of the snow, the scent of the pines, and to perceive the urgency of preserving these places.

Each brushstroke is a gesture of love and respect, an invitation to look beyond the surface and reflect on our role as stewards of this earth. My hope is that my paintings inspire people to care for the mountains with the same passion with which I depict them, recognizing in them not only their beauty but also their invaluable worth to humanity and life on this planet.

The mountain, to me, is art in itself: a source of harmony that teaches me to see the world with different eyes, to appreciate every detail, and to fight for its protection so that future generations can admire it and draw the same inspiration from it.